ICC Birmingham invests over £3 million in technology infrastructure


ICC Birmingham has announced an investment in its technological infrastructure following a review of feedback from clients and delegates.

The venue has invested more than £3 million in venue technology in the past 12 months, with its most recent outlay being a new, larger media wall which will provide a special welcome for delegates visiting events.

The new, larger media wall in use at a Superdrug event at the ICC

A further focus has been placed on improving the delegate experience by investing in new camera, audio and lighting rigs, as well as a new projector system.

The improvements go beyond technology, with the feedback review also covering client comfort and experience. Back-of-house areas have been refurbished, with the private dressing rooms for both Hall 1 and 4 being revamped to improve the behind-the-scenes experience for organisers and their VIPs.

Allan Boyle, Conventions General Manager at ICC Birmingham, said: “At the ICC our ethos is to not rest on our laurels. We look to analyse the data and feedback we receive from both clients and delegates to mould our strategy and give the best experience possible, improving the venue at every turn. For us it is all about building up that knowledge and understanding of what our customers and organisers want – and acting on it.

“It’s not just technology where we’ve listened to feedback, with new hydration stations being installed across the ICC to keep delegates feeling refreshed, hydrated and alert at their event. This is in addition to our improved back-of-house facilities for organisers, putting the customer and delegate experience at the heart of what we do.”

This investment comes off the back of an extremely busy 12 months, with the venue having hosted more than 350,000 delegates from across the globe. It’s predicted this number will increase further in the forthcoming year through hosting a multitude of conferences, exhibitions, awards, and graduation ceremonies.

Simon Whale, Technical Manager at ICC Birmingham, said: “Our focus on enhancing the technology in the venue represents a commitment to our customers and organisers in delivering the highest quality events.

“We’re keen to listen to our clients and react to their needs. For example, in recent times we have seen an appetite for hybrid and live streamed events which therefore meant an investment to increase our filming and streaming capabilities.

“There’s been investment across the board which helps create endless possibilities for organisers looking to put on a standout event.”